in the grey

In order to preserve the ability to offer sliding rates for BIPOC/LGBTQIA, Justine’s updated rates are below.


Session: $250

50 minutes with a 3-6 month commitment

Please reach out in Contact and tell her a little bit about yourself, the type of work you are inquiring to focus on and which commitment works best for you.  

From there, we collaboratively decide what session details look like, from timing to the duration of our work together.  Justine asks you to commit at least three months to these sessions for weekly offerings and six months for bi-weekly sessions. This gives us the opportunity to really dig in and uncover new things that come up. Along with building trust and consistency.


Business Consulting

Please reach out and Contact. We would like to know what type of work you are looking to do, how you’d like to preserve the health of yourselves, your colleagues, and employees. As well as the number of people in your organization and session availability. Pricing determined via consultation.


Book an Appointment

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